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Add "Read more" Option to your blog post

If you are looking for a hack to add "Read more" to Blogger to hide full posts, then stop searching for the old hacks. Blogger has now officially announced this option for us.

Now you don't have to add any separate hack in your template. What you have to do is enable some options in your settings and you are ready to hide full posts and create post summaries feature in Blogger.

Thinking what are the options you have to enable! Well, here it is: 

If you are using the Blogger in Draft then you already got the new post editor, but for those who are using, they have to enable this feature in your settings. Just go to Settings > Basic and change the post editor option to "Updated editor".

Now while posting a new post, write a paragraph, use the "jump break" option and continue writing again. This is the option which will add the read more to Blogger.

In Edit HTML mode of your Post Editor, you can have this by adding where you want to position the jump break.

First paragraph starts.

Rest of the posts goes here.

If you want to change the "read more" text, then go to Layout > Edit > Blog Postswidget and then change it.

Adding Read More to Blogger Templates

For those who have their own customized template, they can add the following code in their template to enable it. To do this, go to Layout > Edit HTML tab, and check the"Expand Widget Templates" box.

And add the following bellow it:

Save your template and you will get this option. Now you have Read more option to your posts.

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