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How to earn online using ODesk ??

An Interview with a Odesk Contractor

While waiting for my latest blog post on how to open, work, and earn money in 
ODesk let me share with you this interview I made with a friend who has been 
earning  in Odesk on her free time.

Due to some reasons connected to her work I won't be able to post her name but nonetheless lets hear her out how she started at Odesk.

Q: How did you learn about Odesk and how was your signup with their website?
A: I learned about oDesk from my Kuya Kobe sometime in June 2010.  He told me that I could earn dollars from my being an internet savvy, and the good thing about this is that I can do it part time.  I signed up using the referral e-mail from my Kuya, who guided me how to fill in my oDesk portfolio and provided me with the tips on how to get the passing (if not, the perfect) score for the oDesk readiness test.

Q: Did you ever had a hard time filling up the sign with Odesk?
A: Signing up with oDesk was just to "verify" if what my brother says is true.  And since that time of June 2010 was the 'slack' season for my day-time job (a.k.a: nothing really much to do), I gave in to my brother's invitation, copy+pasted my details from my resume and put them on my oDesk portfolio.

Q: At first was it hard to look for a job online through Odesk? What was your first job or "gig" in ODesk? How did it go?
A: I never really considered it 'hard' when I was looking for an online jobs, because my whole attention on it is not 100% during that time.  I loved my day job, and as I've said I was also open for working part time online and to prove that I can really earn dollars online.  I have to be honest, though, that I also get excited whenever I open my oDesk portfolio and see if I was accepted to a gig or not, or received any interview from a client who saw if my portfolio fits their offered work. ^_^  My first job or gig was about setting up a blog, putting pictures and writing articles for an athletic company.  To be honest (I used this word twice in a row now. hehe), I never liked it.  My first gig bores me.  It's because since I only bid for a dollar (Yes! I was advised to bid low to get accepted for a job), I felt that what I'm earning for this bid cannot compensate to the amount of time I spent on doing the job.  But as they say, lessons can always be learned from the first-time experiences.  My succeeding gigs went better after the first one: better bid and something I likely want to do. 

Q: How did you improve your chances in landing a better job? How did you basically tell the online world about your services or that you can be hired via Odesk?
A: The most important thing for oDesk is to really set up your portfolio 'pretty and honestly' well.  Isn't it that before you are called for an interview for a day-job work, the HR department of your employer review first the resume you submitted to them?  Same thing with oDesk.  I spent time passing oDesk exams on English grammar, Excel, Powerpoint presentation, bookkeeping, accounting standards, and basically, all other available oDesk tests.  Sometimes, I just do the tests because I want to learn something new.  It is just an added value if I pass the exam and will be able to publicly put the results on my oDesk profile. :)

Q: And finally would you recommend that others signup at Odesk as well?
A:  Absolutely yes! 

Thank you very much for giving time for this interview, wishing you the best on your succeeding Odesk jobs.

So there you have it. It is possible to work at home or if you already have an 8 - 5 job do a part time job while at home. ODesk could be your way out specially this time of downturn. If you have skills there is no doubt somebody out there will need your services.

So why not give it a try. 

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