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How to verify Payza (AlertPay) in Bangladesh?

Payza, formerly AlertPay is an online money processing website which is
used by internet users to make payment online. It is a useful service for those
countries which isn’t supported by PayPal. Peoples think it is an alternative
for PayPal. Recently Payza start their service in Bangladesh. As mentioned,
Bangladesh isn’t a PayPal supported country. So, now it is easier for

 Bangladeshi freelancers to withdraw their money from various marketplaces
which allows Payza for their payment gateway. But, the problem is for the
people of this country are to verify their Payza account, as many of them
doesn’t know about, how to verify their Payza account?
So, now I will tell you the process to verify a Payza account from
First of all, you have to create an account on Payza ( by
following their sign-up rules. Then you can jump on the verification process.
There have two types of verification system.
1. Document Validation
2. Photo ID Validation
You can choose one of them to verify your account. The Document
Validation system requires one type of ID such as National ID Card or
Passport or Driving License and a bank statement of last 6 months. You
have to upload the following 2 documents to verify your account in this way.
The Photo ID Validation requires 2 types of Photo ID such as, National ID
Card or Passport or Driving License. You must have to upload 2 of them and
then submit your details for reviewing. For this review process you have to
wait 2-3 business day. After that your Payza account will be fully verified
and you will be a verified account owner. What do you think, it is easy or

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