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How To Remove Timeline from your Facbook profile?

This method for removing Facebook timeline works for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari. However it is recommended to try the Chrome version of FB Purity extension, since it has worked for many users who have tried it.

Here are few simple steps that you need to follow:

1. Install FB Purity extension from here: Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera.
Once you have installed the desired browser extension from above, you will see a blue TL icon at the right top corner of your browser, which will look like the image shared below:

2.Now click the blue ‘TL’ icon, once you have clicked the ‘TL’ icon, the FB Purity extension for your desired browser will disable your Facebook timeline and you will be able to see Facebook in the old format.

Interestingly, this extension is being created in a way that it can let you revert to your Facebook timeline anytime you want – all you have to do is – just click the red cross button on the same ‘TL’ icon (shown in the image above) and the extension will restore you Facebook timeline back.

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