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Theme Maker for Nokia Phone

Hi Readers,
How are you today? Today I'm very excited to tell you about my new application. In my last article I was give you an Android Apps but, I know my dear Nokia Phone user's are angry with me,
because they can't access the following application through their Nokia Phone (Java, Symbian OS). For that I's thinking more and more for Nokia Phone user as we know that, many people of Bangladesh, India and other 3rd world countries still using Nokia Phone for it's low price and user friendly interface. In the other hand, Android phone's are the "DREAM" for us. It is a "DREAMY" things because for it's high price,but in our country we haven't any market or real distributor to purchase this kind of phone and here isn't any well trained technician to repair this kind of device. Well, So no more bla..bla... I know you are waiting to know about, what's the hell I'm trying to say you. Yes, I'm now telling you about my new application which I've completed this week. My new apps is a  "Theme Maker" for Nokia S-40 phones. By this application you can easily create your own custom theme for your phone and then you don't have to download any theme from internet. Just download this apps from the following link and enjoy yourself. Please share this post to your friend if you like that..

Download your Nokia Theme Maker from HERE.... 

NOTE : You can create only .NTH theme for your JAVA based Nokia Phone.

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