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Assistant Primary Teacher's Result list of 2012 (HABIGONJ)

List of Assistant Primary Teacher's of Habigonj who are passed in the written exam of 2012

50, 117, 145, 218, 220, 292, 295, 297, 338, 342, 604, 968, 1215, 1392, 1463, 1651, 1681, 1697, 2020, 2090, 2093, 2114, 2181,
2217, 2219, 2247, 2262, 2272, 2277, 2290, 2302, 2314, 2328, 2371, 2382, 2388, 2389, 2395, 2400, 2403, 2413, 2426, 2438,

Start your PC in less than 10 seconds

Hello readers,
Once again BangBD comes to you with a very useful windows XP tweaks..
Today we'll learn how to start up a PC in less than 10 seconds...!!!

Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7

Hi Visitors!! Once again I'm here to tell you about Upgrading your XP machine to a newer one. Here, today I write a post in "Tips and tricks for windows 7" section. At first, when to upgrade a Windows XP system to Windows 7 and when to consider an entirely new system is discussed. Upgrade system requirements are considered.

Best Windows 7 Tips and Tricks

Windows Explorer in Windows 7 has been significantly changed and improved since the days of Vista and XP. This article provides some of the more useful tips and tricks for getting the most out of Explorer.

Shutdown your XP faster

Hello Visitors!!
Here today I submitted a useful Windows XP tweaks to "Shutdown your XP faster" than past..
1) Start - Run - Regedit
Navigate to the following Registry key:
HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Double click on the AutoEndTasks entry and replace the 0 with a 1 in the Value data text box

All about Windows XP-Registry Editor

Opening the registry editor

This is step number one, just opening the editor to view the registry.

This is easy, just click on the start button and then on run. Once run is open, type inregedit and click OK. 

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